Friday, August 7, 2020

Late Victorian-Era Beauty Secrets by Kristin Holt

Kristin Holt | Late Victorian-era Beauty Secrets

Late Victorian-Era Beauty Secrets
by USA-Today Bestselling Author
Kristin Holt

19th Century Woman's Toilette

I continue in fascination as I discover more and more history of real life among average, working Victorian-American women. The wealthy may have bought pots and tubes from the burgeoning beauty industry, but what advice or methods circulated among the average Mary?
(Note: I've shared numerous links to related articles, below.) 
Kristin Holt | Late Victorian-Era Beauty Secrets. Cover image: Dr. Sloan's Cook Book and Advice to Housekeepers
Cover image: Dr. Sloan's Cook Book and Advice to Housekeepers

The following image contains a snippet from Dr. Sloan's Cook Book and Advice to Housekeepers, published 1905.

Kristin Holt | Late Victorian-Era Beauty Secrets - How To Keep Your Beauty (1905), a one-page snippet from Dr. Sloan's Cook Book and Advice to Housekeepers.

Because reading from this image is difficult, I've carefully transcribed the content for you. Read on!


The best way to keep the face free from wrinkles is to cultivate a serene disposition, take plenty of sleep, eat food that will digest easily, and when a wrinkle does appear erase it promptly by massaging well with a good skin food. Rub all the lines of the face upward as much as possible, as the face has a tendency to sag.

To have a good clear skin, the face must be kept free from dirt.

Cleanse the skin thoroughly with hot water, into which a little borax has been dissolved, and use a good pure soap.

Lather the face well with the soap and wash off with the hot water. Dry thoroughly and anoint with cold cream.

To whiten the complexion, take one-half pint new milk, one-quarter of an ounce lemon juice, and one-half an ounce of white brandy. Boil the whole, skin, and use night and morning.

If one's face is too red, be careful of the diet. Take no hot drinks, but cooling ones. Do not wash the face with cold water -- lukewarm water is better -- and try hot foot-baths before retiring at night.

To  keep your hands soft, rub them two or three times a day, after washing, with equal parts of glycerine and lemon juice. Let it stay on ten or fifteen minutes, then wash the hands quickly in lukewarm water, using a good soap, and dry thoroughly. If your hands are inclined to be moist, rub a very little lemon juice after drying.

For discolored or stained finger nails a teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of warm water is invaluable. This is one of the best manicure aids. It will loosen the cuticle from the finger nails as well as remove discolorations.

Brittle nails may be cured by soaking them daily for a few minutes in blood-warm sweet oil. Polish the nails daily with the chamois-skin polisher to improve the circulation and make them clean and pink. No paste is needed.


What do you think of Dr. Sloan's solutions and beauty regimen? Please scroll down and comment. The "conversation" part is extra valuable, especially now!

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By Kristin Holt

Kristin Holt - USA Today Bestselling Author of Sweet Romance set in the American Old West... and an abundance of fun, informative Articles about nineteenth century LIFE

Copyright © 2020 Kristin Holt LC