Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Cowboy Saying - “The Cream Always Rises to the Top.”


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“Just keep doing what you’re doing. The cream always rises to the top.”

Back in the days when it was common to milk your own cow and make your own cream and butter, people knew that if you let milk sit still for very long fresh from the cow, eventually, the cream would float to the top where it could be gently scooped away from the milk to be used for other things. This is because the fat in that part was denser and therefore would rise upward. And of course the cream was the sweeter, best part of the milk.

When a cowboy would use this back in the 19th century, it was a common phrase, even used in literature at the time, such as “Tom Brown’s School Days,” published in 1857. The purpose of the phrase is to give someone who isn’t receiving recognition for their hard work reason to keep persisting. It’s a reminder to stay the course, because eventually the recognition or rewards for your steadfastness would come.

How about you? Have you ever heard this saying before? Used it yourself? Could you see yourself using it now? Let me know in a comment!

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