Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Bedbugs, Boarding and School Boards- The Struggles of a 19th Century Teacher by Kimberly Grist

 When I write, one of my goals is to combine my love of history with an inspirational theme, romance, and believable characters. For example, as I was researching the life of a teacher during the late 19th century, I was astounded by the rules that a female teacher had to adhere to. Which do you find the most outrageous?

Fast forward twenty years later, and although society was in a phase of rapid industrialization with the introduction of electrical power and telephones, very little changed the rules for female teachers. The idea that married women didn't need income remained the most common rationale for banning marriage for female teachers.

Boarding was both common and practical for teachers and allowed them to live within walking distance of the schoolhouse and to live as well as their students.

New, inexperienced teachers hired by the lowest-paying districts often boarded with their students' families, enduring poor living conditions that were crowded, and lacked privacy with added nuisances such as bedbugs and poor sanitary conditions.
In my upcoming release, Carrie Dixon survived her struggle with discipline in the classroom, boarding with various families and bedbugs, only to lose the battle with the board of education, who find her impulsive nature, teaching methods, and the idea of extending the school calendar offputting. Destitute, she engages the assistance of a matchmaker and heads west.

Coming Soon and Available for Pre-Order!

Carrie Ann Dixon’s impulsive nature has cost her a teaching position. Destitute, she agrees to seek the help of a matchmaker. She believes there’s a happily ever after within reach for everyone, and she’ll work hard to make her dream come true. Casting her past failures aside, she’s thrilled with the idea of moving west and requests a match with someone who embraces adventure and will be enthusiastic about building a romantic relationship.

Gabe Russell, former solider and regimented rancher, isn’t looking for love. Instead, he needs a cook, housekeeper, and babysitter for his four younger siblings. Hence, his request to the matchmaker includes, “My desired match should be a no-nonsense, hard-working woman who knows the importance of following a schedule.
Connect with Kimberly:
Fans of historical romance set in the late 19th -Century will enjoy stories combining, History, Humor, and Romance, emphasizing Faith, Friends, and Good, Clean Fun.

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