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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Westward Ho! Parade


Tomorrow is the Westward Ho! Parade in Pendleton, Oregon.

One of the unique features of this parade that has been held annual since 1910, is that no motorized vehicles are allowed. The parade features wagons, Indians in full regalia, and marching bands. 

It pays tribute  to the early days of the West and to the pioneers whose descendants often participate in the parade and Pendleton Round-Up. 

There are always lots of Rodeo Royalty, including Pendleton's Queen and princesses.

I love seeing the teams pulling wagons and farm equipment.

These longhorns have become a parade staple in recent years. After the parade, they are in the park where people can have their photos taken with them.

And the sight of all these flags never fails to bring a great sense of patriotism to my heart. 

Many of the participants yell "Let 'er Buck" as they travel the parade route through town, the official slogan of the world famous Pendleton Round-Up that takes place this week, wrapping up Saturday with the finals and award presentations. 

Do you have a favorite parade in your community, or from our childhood?

USA Today Bestselling
Author Shanna Hatfield is a farm girl who loves to write character-driven romances with relatable heroes and heroines. Her sweet historical and contemporary romances are filled with sarcasm, humor, hope, and hunky heroes.

When Shanna isn’t dreaming up unforgettable characters, twisting plots, or covertly seeking dark, decadent chocolate, she hangs out with her beloved husband, Captain Cavedweller.

Shanna is a member of Western Writers of America and Women Writing the West. Find out more about her at

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