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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17, 1876

 Post (c) Doris McCraw

aka Angela Raines

Photo (C) Doris McCraw

For those who know me and my work, I love research, and those tidbits that pop out in the historic newspapers, etc. On that note, I wanted to share some of the pieces I've found and my thoughts on the content.

This first piece just begs one to wonder what language the woman using. Laramie, in Wyoming, a place where we've historically been told that women were ahead in suffrage, was perhaps not as ahead of its time as was told.

It was interesting they used 'ungentlemanly' language, Was it swearing? Would they have fined a man for the same language? It is something to think about.

The Denver Daily Times
July 17, 1876

This next piece, from the same issue of the Denver Daily Times, caught my eye. I am in the middle of a year-long project of telling the stories of some of the Civil War Veterans and the Wives of Veterans who are buried in the local cemetery. As a result, there are times when reconstruction shows up in the research.

The things newspapers thought were important to print are endlessly fascinating. 

The Denver Daily Times
July 17, 1876

What type of research do you do when preparing for your writing? 

Until Next Time: Stay safe, Stay happy, and Stay healthy. 


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