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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Cowboy Sayings - “Fit to be Tied”

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“Fit to be tied” is a phrase that finds its origins in two different, unique cultures at almost the same time during the 1800’s. One possibility is that it was used in textiles - when a bundle of cloth was ready to go, it was fit to be tied up. But it was also used with cowboy culture meaning that a wild horse or unruly cow was needed to be tied up in order to work with them or even to help it if it has an injury. Though often it made the horse or animal more unruly when tied, so they’d have to be tied up really well to force immobility.

Generally, the meaning of the phrase expresses emotion - Anger, frustration, or exasperation. 

Obviously, the person who is feeling this way is feeling unruly or wild, and might need to be tied up to be dealt with, or it might make them angrier if tied. But if someone was to use this in a situation, they might say, “Jack is fit to be tied. He just found out that his horse was stolen.”

How about you? Have you ever heard this saying before? Used it yourself? Could you see yourself using it now? Let me know in a comment!

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1 comment:

  1. Living in Georgia, I still hear the phrase on occasion and have used it myself to express exasperation and frustration.
