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Thursday, November 7, 2019

An Evening's Entertainment

Hi, Kit Morgan here and today I want to talk about Pioneer Entertainment. Yep, that's right, entertainment. Today we have Television, movies, computer games, you name it. Our media is vast. But back in the day of the pioneers, they didn't such things, They made their own entertainment. Yes,  kids played games back then too, like jacks or checkers while the adults whittled, using the shavings to help start the fire the next day. There was also knitting and reading by the fire, but one of the other things they did that you might not be aware of is tell Shadow Stories.

Shadow Stories were told around a fire. The shadows appeared long and thin. Depending on the story, they could stimulate the imagination from young to old! They could be sad or scary or fun! These stories were often passed down, the hand formations taught along the way. Each person told these stories in their own special way.

When the pioneers weren't telling stories with their hands, they were telling them with Shadow Puppets. 

These were the "movies" of the day. They would tack a sheet over a wooden frame, then take a candle and some cut out figures of animals, people, or if they got creative, something they made up, and bring their creations to life to tell a story.

Today you can still tell shadow stories. If you don't have a fire, you can use a flashlight. Just turn out the lights, have someone point the flashlight at a blank wall, and have fun! And hey, if the power goes out in your house, then this can be a fun activity!

Until next time!


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