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Monday, August 19, 2019

Ghost Town Colorado Springs, CO

What a great place to visit.

By Sophie Dawson

My family recently spent a week in Colorado. One of the places we visited was the Ghost Town Museum in Colorado Springs. If you get a chance to go you'll get a chance to step back into a 1880's Western town. You can visit any time of the year since the 'town' is in a building which was part of the gold refining industry. I decided to share some of the many photos I took.

The museum is interactive to an extent. There are items you can touch as well as try, as you can tell from my son and hubby on saddles.

'Modern' conveniences of the time.

Merchandise from a mercantile.

Post Office in the back of a store. 
Two types. The early cubbies for general delivery and the assigned boxes with combination locks.

Instructions in the saloon.
The sign on this stated that this was placed in the doorway to the saloon so no one (wives of patrons) could see who was inside. Seems men didn't want to be found enjoying a libation or three.

In coming blog posts I'll include other images from the Ghost Town Museum. Oh, just one more from the saloon. It's self explanatory.

Sophie Dawson is an award winning author of sweet, faith focused novels, both historical and contemporary. Her books are all available on Amazon in print, Kindle, and KU.

1 comment:

  1. Just up the street from where I work. It really is a gem. Doris
