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Monday, August 26, 2019

Gambling Back Then

Gambling was considered a profession as far back as the 1800's in the old west. The gambler of the old west were often high rollers for the time. But for every high roller, there were many more who were local men who tried to parlay a little bit of money into a fortune. There are numerous stories where farmers, ranchers, and business owners put their homes, properties, and businesses on the line as a last ditch effort to win back what they lost. 

Some of the most well-known stories about the western territories include bandits, gamblers, saloons, and duels in the streets. They’re fun to read and they easily spark mental images of how things might have happened. Some of the accounts of these events have been stretched to be more than they actually were. Stories get exaggerated as they get told over and over.

These exaggerations are fun and they're also great inspiration for fiction and romance authors - me included. Notorious gamblers can't mix with polite society, right? Of course they can! At least in my stories they can. They learn to settle down, go straight, and change their lives. Being inspired by some of the people he meets, the hero in A Life Transformed vows he'll stop gambling and become a good guy.

If you enjoy inspiring stories of life changing moments and redemption, you might enjoy my Hero Hearts story, A Life Transformed. It tells the story of a man who wanted his life to be more. He was tired of the life of a gambler - he was tired of cheating people to make a living. When he meets the woman who melts his heart, he has new inspiration to build a new life. 


Annie Boone writes sweet western historical romance with a happy ending guaranteed in every single story. Inspiration comes in many forms and Annie finds more than one way to make her stories entertain and inspire.

To connect with Annie, find her on Facebook, Twitter, or her website.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, people can change for the better and some people will change for the worse. Your book sounds like a very good read and I am so glad that the gambler changed for the better. The cover is Beautiful! I enjoyed reading this blog. Have a Great week. God Bless you.
