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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Sophie Who? by Sophie Dawson

Sophie Who?

Sophie Dawson

For my first post as a contributing author on Sweet Americana Sweethearts I thought I’d introduce myself a bit more. Zina did a great job pulling information about me when she granted me the privilege to post regularly. She did a great job on very short notice. Thank you Zina.

My real name is Susan Ewing. You’ll find me posting as me on Facebook since I want to be “legal” and made a Sophie Dawson page rather than a personal account as my pen name. Thus, you’ll often find my posts starting with ‘Sophie Dawson here.’

Why did I choose to publish under a pen name? Well, that’s a bit of a story. I’m a story teller so here goes. You can let me know if it makes sense. The year I was born Susan or some variant was one of the most popular names for a baby girl. It was for girls born in the surrounding years also. I’ve had Susan’s, Susie’s Suzie’s, Sue’s, Susanne’s, Suzanne’s, Susanna’s, Suzanna’s around me all my life. 

When I was in college I lived on a wing in the dorm which had seven girls. (Small liberal arts college) Four of us were some iteration of Susan. I lived with Suzanne for three years. The only reason it wasn’t four was that she was a year older than me.

Then I married. We live in a very small farming community. It’s a family farm. His brother farms with us. Guess what his wife’s name is. Yep. Susan. She grew up in the area and thus is very well known. Even today, after (okay clue to how old I am) over 40 years people still get us confused. I have to explain which one of the Susan Ewing’s I am. Thus using my real name sort of left me with a flat feeling.

The last name, Dawson, was easy. It’s my maiden name. So why did I choose Sophie? I’m a Christian writer. In Greek Sophia means wisdom. I’m not claiming to have much, but what wisdom God has reveal within his word I try to pass on through the lives of my characters.

Cottonwood Series 1-3

 My main characters are Christians. They are flawed but are trying to live faithful lives. They have weaknesses. They mess up. They fail. They know that God loves them through their faults and failings. They learn. Theirs are stories in faithful living. It’s something I strive to do myself, failing often. 
Stones Creek Series 1-3

My latest release is Laundry Lady's Love. I won't say too much about it since just a week ago I posted about it on New Release Tuesday. Just follow that link to read that post. 
Laundry Lady's Love

So, you can find my books on Amazon. That link will take you to my author page.

You can find the first chapters of my books on my website.

Here’s my Facebook page; Sophie Dawson Novels. I’m active in several groups. The amount I post varies as to how busy I am writing, editing and such. Everything comes to a screaming screeching halt when I get a text saying my granddaughter wants to come play. She takes priority over just about anything else.
If you’d like to know when new books are released, sales, freebies and giveaways simply sign up for my VIP Reader List. You just might get a free book. Okay, you will.


  1. Welcome and I completely understand the use of a pen name. I also agree, grandchildren and family always come first. Doris

  2. I know several Susans also! My best friend from college was a Susan. Best of luck with your new release!
