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Monday, July 31, 2017

Welcome Sophie Dawson

The Sweet Americana Sweethearts wishes welcome
Sophie Dawson
as our newest monthly contributing author.

About Sophie Dawson:

Sophie Dawson has made up stories in her head all her life. It wasn’t until 2011 that she began writing typing them out.

Sophie writes Christian fiction(translate that to romance). Her first books were all historical fiction romance. They’ve won multiple awards and garnered rave reviews. Now, Sophie is branching out into contemporary romance though she plans to continue writing historical and hopes to add more books in her popular Cottonwood and Stones Creek series.

Sophie lives with her husband and cat on a farm in western Illinois. She’s an avid seamstress and was a professional quilter for a number of years before the writing bug bit. She’s just thankful it’s not fatal.

She lives on a farm in western Illinois with her husband and  extremely old cat. She loves reading, sewing, gardening, computer games and traveling. An avid seamstress she was a professional quilter before the writing bug bit. Thankfully, the bite wasn't fatal.

Sophie’s Links:

Sophie has been writing the Cottonwood series and the Stones Creek Series. Her next release will be out soon. Her book, Chloe's Santuary, was featured on a previous Blog Tour Tuesday post which you may read by CLICKING HERE.



  1. I love Sophie's books! Sophie, I thought you were writing one called Of Mice and Marriage.

  2. Welcome, Sophie! Delighted to have you with us.
